
How To Change A Minecraft Server Icon

How to Add a Minecraft Server Icon

Last modified on May fourteen, 2021 in control panel

mc head Past ApexHosting

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Since Minecraft server owners have been given the power to further customize the look of the server in the multiplayer server list in-game. I very important feature that was added is the power to customize the icon that will display adjacent to their server. This is an platonic fashion to make servers more recognizable in the server list. With thousands of servers and the vast majority of players having extensive server lists, a server icon is very of import in order to stand out and be recognizable.

While it may seem like a fairly simple concept at that place are a few things to keep in mind to make sure the icon is working properly on the server. In this guide, we will walk you through how you lot tin fix and upload the server icon to your Apex Minecraft server.

Set Your Icon

A server icon must follow iii uncomplicated rules to be able to be used on a minecraft server.

Server Icon Example

  1. The icon must be 64×64 pixels in size
  2. The icon must be named server-icon
  3. The icon must be in .PNG format

How to check the picture size


  1. Right Click the image and select Properties.
  2. Select the Details tab on the top to view the dimensions.

Server Icon Properties


  1. Correct Click the image and select Get Info.
  2. The dimensions will be listed under the More Info section.

Mac Server Icon

If your prototype is non currently 64×64 pixels in that location are simple means you can catechumen the dimensions! Nosotros recommend using Simple Epitome Resizer

How to resize the icon

  1. Caput to the resizing websites hither.
  2. Click Select Image and find the icon you wish to utilise and hit Open.
  3. Yous volition now want to select the Dimensions instead of Per centum and enter 64 for the width and superlative. And so click Resize.
  4. Afterwards a few seconds you should see a dark-green box popup with a download button. Click download to get a new page with the resized icon.
  5. Once on this page but right-click and select Salve Image Every bit

Simple Image Resizer Server Icon

Your server icon may not be post-obit the proper naming conventions or file format at this betoken. If this is the case you will want to fix that when saving the resized image. If the Save equally Type shows any format other than PNG image y'all will want to click the dropdown and select All Files. Yous will then want to enter the name you save it as to be server-icon.png. If the Save equally Type is already PNG simply prepare the name to server-icon.

Once this is complete you would have successfully resized, renamed, and formatted the image to piece of work on your server. The next steps would exist to upload the image directly into your server'southward files.

Upload to Your Server

In one case you have a properly sized, named, and formatted image you volition be able to then upload information technology to your server to let it commencement displaying in the server list.

  1. Head to your control panel and end your server.
  2. To the left of the game console, navigate the FTP File Access tab. Once in that tab please login using your panel password.
  3. Stop Server Open FTP Panel

  4. To the left of the panel, you will encounter an upload button. Click this and then drag your image into the uploader.
  5. Once you see the paradigm reach 100% you will be able to then get back to the main console page and start the server.
  6. FTP Panel Upload Button

    FTP File Upload

Assuming all three of the criteria are met you will then exist able to come across your newly uploaded icon in-game when y'all ping the server in the multiplayer server list.

Mutual Bug

Server/Server List Refresh

If you are not seeing the image brandish in your Minecraft server listing you will desire to be sure you have restarted the server subsequently uploading also as refresh the server listing in-game. If information technology is nevertheless not showing you tin can also endeavour re-adding the server to the list in-game. If information technology once once more does non show then you most likely have encountered 1 of the post-obit other issues.

Wrong Name

Sometimes if you are renaming the file after it is already uploaded you might find that it is non right. Since the file format, in this case .png, is included in the name on the panel y'all might forget to include it when renaming the file server-icon.

Incorrect Size

The prototype may not be displayed due to information technology being as well large or too small-scale. You can cheque the image dimensions on your PC in most cases by correct-clicking and selecting Properties. Once this window is open you tin can and so caput to the details tab to see the image dimensions. Anything other than 64 pixels in width and pinnacle volition not work on the server.

If the image is not the correct dimensions then you can use this resizing site to fix that.

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